Jon Jon’s Higher Self: Will the real Jon Jon please stand up?
Jon Jon: Who me?
Jon Jon’s Higher Self: Yeah you! The one wearing a hat with bright coloured feathers.
Jon Jon: Ok, I’ll stand up but what do you want me to say?
Jon Jon’s Higher Self: Nothing, just wanted to make sure you are still there.
Jon Jon: Of course I’m still here! What kind of question is that?
Jon Jon’s Higher Self: It is a real question that only you can answer… (Mic Drop)
Ouch! Reality check time: attending the annual Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) Convention and checking in with all of the amazing Canadian, American, and International professional speakers and colleagues. * Cue ‘imposter syndrome’ contemplative gut check musical score*

CAPS Convention is one of the most rewarding, valuable, and inspiring professional development events that I look forward to every single year. It is a 3-day event where professional speakers get a chance to learn, grow, belong, and share their awesome expertise to other speakers whether veteran or novice, people can walk away with invaluable knowledge on how to take their speaking business to the next level. As my amazing colleague and professional speaker, Stephanie Staples puts it, “CAPS Convention is like eating at a delicious buffet (think more along the lines of the Wynn Las Vegas rather than Buffet Royale) you can eat a variety of amazing food, but it is up to you to feed yourself.” The event is packed with world class talent, inspiration, and valuable information to “transform your business into the speaking business that you want to achieve” says incoming President of CAPS, Greg Schinkel, an expert and veteran speaker and author.
How do I feel after these last 3 days? Absolutely charged and inspired and yet at the same time, I feel like I have to ask myself again, “Will the real Jon Jon please stand up?” Being real is being truthful, and to be honest, I have not focused on my speaking business in the way that is most authentic and effective. As a speaker who speaks on “authenticity” it is a reality check to truly be me and provide value to others. So now that the “real Jon Jon” has stood up, what does the “real Jon Jon” have to say? “Use what you’ve got and you’ve got more than you know.”