Actually, it is Sunday morning here in Manila, but in New York City, it is Saturday Night! I have been in the Philippines for the past three weeks with my wife and business partner, Paula Audrey, and my 1 and half year old daughter, Lena Gloria. Why you ask? Implementing our Balikbayan Project, whose vision is to return with service to the Philippines every 1-2 years since 2007. This is now my 10th visit back to the Philippines and each time I come back I feel more and more blessed and connected to the beautiful people and culture of the Philippines. Anyways, today is my very first blog post for my new speaking website, jonjonrivero.com, and I could not be more excited to share this with the world. Please join me on my upcoming adventures in North America, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, and maybe even in the Arctic or Antarctica (not to exclude the other continents, I’m still waiting to be booked to speak there!).
What can you expect if you follow me on these adventures? Well, a whole lot of self-discovery, vulnerable authenticity, and creating and owning awesome in communities all over the world. In the meantime, please take a look at our in the Philippines by visiting balikbayanproject.com and mynameistrauma.com and follow us on social media (@balikproject @mynameistrauma @jonjonrivero).
Wishing you an incredible day, wherever you are in the world. I want to invite you to use what you’ve got, and remind you that you’ve got more than you know!
Peace, Love, and Bless,
Jon Jon