As the CEO & Founder of Qi Creative, I have to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming because honestly, my dream has come true. To be able to lead a team of inspiring coaches, influencers, and visionaries who are changing the world, one community, one school, one family, and one child at a time. Seriously, did I just step into a time machine 10 years ago?
It feels like a week has gone by and I am so blessed to be surrounded by driven game changers who inspire me to grow into a better person. It is really scary because in order for me to be the leader that this amazing team deserves, I have to dig way deeper than I have been. I have to be more accountable to myself and my team, I have to be mindful and truthful with my word, I have to listen more and be more present, I have to check with how I am showing up or not showing up for my team, I have to check-in with my own reaction to challenges and triggers and learn better self-regulation, and I have to simply grow (keeping my ego in check) to allow others to step into their greatness and be the leaders that they are meant to be. I have to learn when and how to let go and let awesome happen.
This is what I signed up for 10 years ago and despite it being a scary realization, it is an awesome realization that I fully celebrate with our team. It is uncomfortable, which means I am growing. Being called to “awesome” means being called to awe and feelings of fear and wonder. Furthermore, fear and wonder is respecting our amazing, surprising, beautiful, and powerful selves.
So here it goes, my waking dream continues. I am committing to grow because I am accepting responsibility and accountability for Qi Creative and I am stepping into my role as “Chief Energy Officer” (CEO). Spiderman’s uncle Ben once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”, and I will add based on my current journey, when we accept great responsibility, we become powerful together.